In the fall of 2021 I had the interesting opportunity to work for the New Orleans Auction Galleries as a photographer. It was a very challenging and rewarding experience. Working in a studio we utilized various lights and boards to either reflect or absorb lighting. Photographing a wide variety from furniture, art, fashion, and people it required close attention to detail and occasional photoshop to lessen reflective glare. I don't have many of the final photos, mostly just images from my phone of what our set up was like, but I have included a few of the final pieces that I do have or links to what I saw on their catalogue. A big thank you to Jason Kruppa, a talented photographer and coworker who showed me the ropes of this unique type of photography.

My final day for the season we worked with a model named Ashley. She modeled designer clothing and a nice collection of jewelry. On this shoot I assisted with lighting and design choices. I worked alongside a team that included another photographer, model, as well as hair and make up.

Official Head Lamps Occasionally, we would set up a smaller studio for pieces that needed to be closer to the lens.

Official Photo of Seasonal Hemes scarves.

See official boxed Hermes Scarves photo here.

Official Sable Swing Jacket Photo

- Full Length Brown Fur Coat Official Photo, Princess Cut Full Length Brown Coat.

Official Italian Chairs Photo Here are more of the auction links to some of the pieces I photographed or assisted on. - Natural Horn Elements - Tall Mahogany Clock -Victorian Iron Twin Bed -Art Deco Twin Bed